WiiremoteJ - 用Wii來做互動

WiiremoteJ - 用Wii來做互動

WiiRemoteJ is a free Java API and library for interacting with a 
Nintendo(R) Wii(tm) Remote through Bluetooth(R). WiiRemoteJ aims to do 
two things: first, it aims to create an easily accessible interface for 
Java developers wanting to work with the Wii Remote. Second, it aims to 
provide tools for developers using the Wii Remote to speed development. 
WiiRemoteJ comes with a complete (to my knowledge) javadoc, detailing 
every public class, field, and method. In addition, WiiRemoteJ aims to 
duplicate many of the same ideologies and methods used in the main Java 
libraries. This should allow developers to jump into the development 
process relatively quickly.

WiiremoteJ提供了一套Java API可以讓我們藉此來開發Wii的互動程式,而在這當中的傳輸必須仰賴Bluetooth,聽學弟說只有MSI的Bluetooth有支援而已~ 有興趣的人不妨玩玩看!


1.WiiremoteJ WiiremoteJ

2007-09-11 10:05:54

2 comments on "WiiremoteJ - 用Wii來做互動"

  1. 1. manorboy 說:


    2008-07-22 12:34:55

  2. 2. Shen 說:

    A兜... 基本上「溫刀」沒有Wii,所以我只能建議你查閱WiiremoteJ的API,我想上面都有清楚的描述~
    或是直接找個簡單的範例來入門~ 我只能這麼回答~
    good luck! ^^

    2008-07-22 13:34:38

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